This is a STAY TO PLAY tournament. All non-commuting teams participating in the tournament MUST (as a condition of acceptance) make all hotel accommodations using our tournament housing services. Please do not call the hotels directly, as they will not be able to provide you with a preferred rate that has been arranged for our Tournament teams. Please book through the hotel reservation link below. We appreciate your support as these partnered hotels assist in sponsoring our event.
Stafford Soccer is proud to partner with HBC Event Services, a travel/booking agency with a nationwide reputation for excellence in managing travel for sports events. HBC Event Services provides an easy way for you to book your hotel rooms with our partnered hotels at the best rates. These rates are lower than, their best available rate and usually includes breakfast for your team. HBC Event Services guarantees that if the tournament is cancelled due to weather, you will not be charged for any cancellation penalties that you may otherwise have been subject to if you made your reservation elsewhere. This guarantee does not include hotel reservations made after the hotel cut off dates.