In October of 2018, the Stafford County Board of Supervisors formally set new tax rates for large distribution and data centers in an effort to draw more of these revenue and job producing types of endeavors. The Board previously created new tax classifications for these targeted economic development sectors.
Chairman of the Board of Supervisors Gary Snellings, Hartwood District, said, “We are always looking to diversify business offerings in Stafford to better serve the needs of all our citizens. Approving competitive and sound tax policy helps to ensure that we continue to attract a variety of businesses. The lower tax rate provides a bonus to a small component of existing businesses, and encourages new large e-commerce, warehouse, distribution, logistics, and data centers to take a serious look at Stafford.”
John Holden, Director of Economic Development and Tourism, noted that “Data centers are attractive to businesses in the northern Virginia area and this decision helps further cement Stafford’s inclusion in consideration from the same players. Stafford has a unique geography and infrastructure that supports the development of large e-commerce distribution and data centers. We have now made it clear we encourage investment for such facilities.”
Holden added that these rates apply County-wide but Stafford’s Centreport Parkway area is a prime location for e-commerce centers. “It has immediate access to I-95 and is an area targeted for such development.” Stafford has key fiber and power infrastructure that is ready for data center growth, according to Holden. “And generally lower costs of business than our friends to the north.”
For more information on Stafford’s tax rates, please click here.