6 Bears & a Goat Wins medals again in U.S. Open Beer Championship
6 Bears & a Goat Brewing Co’s O’Dark Thirty Irish Extra Stout won a silver medal in the 2020 U.S. Open Beer Championship. The competition drew more than 6,000 beers from around the world and included entries from major craft breweries as well as winners of the American Homebrewers Association’s national contest.
Judges did blind tastings of more than 140 styles in locations in the United States and Canada because of the COVID-19 pandemic this year. The winners were announced Dec. 6, 2020.
This is the second U.S. Open medal for 6B&G’s O’Dark Thirty. Last year, the stout from the veteran-owned brewery in Fredericksburg, Va., won a bronze medal. O’Dark Thirty is 6B&G’s most-awarded ale; it also has earned a bronze in the 2019 Great American Beer Festival and a silver in the 2020 Best of Craft Beer contest.
6B&G was one of only seven Virginia breweries to medal this year in the U.S. Open. The commonwealth is home to more than 200 licensed craft breweries. Visit www.USOpenBeer.com to see all winning breweries/beers.
O’Dark Thirty Irish Extra Stout is available year-round in the 6B&G brew house off U.S. 17 in Stafford County. It is served in restaurants around Virginia and is now available in six packs of 12-ounce cans. Its midnight black in color and full-bodied without being thick or sweet. It features a complex roasted flavor with notes of coffee and dark chocolate and a smooth dry finish.
6B&G is named after the mascots of the founders’ service branches. The six Bears are 20-year retirees from the U.S. Coast Guard, and the Goat is a U.S. Navy retiree. 6B&G’s head brewer, a retired Marine Master Gunnery Sergeant, has both commercial and home brewing experience and is a certified beer judge.